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Popular analysts provide their predictions for the price of bitcoin (BTC) in 2025

As the Bitcoin (BTC) halving event approaches, investors are becoming increasingly bullish about price action. But what are their Bitcoin forecasts for 2025?

Thanks to Bitcoin halvings, the crypto market movements are largely cyclical. Every four years, BTC updates its all-time highs. A new high is recorded approximately a year and a half after the event. The next halving will occur in the spring of 2024, which means investors could see a new BTC high in 2025.

Analyst Forecasts Bitcoin to Hit $300,000

Popular crypto influencer TheBTCTherapist asked his subscribers to give a Bitcoin forecast for the next year after the halving. He believes that in 2025, BTC will cost more than $300,000. He published his Bitcoin forecast and the expected trajectory of the coin’s exchange rate on X (Twitter), calling on followers to share their opinions.

Read more: Bitcoin Halving Cycles and Investment Strategies: What To Know

Bitcoin forecast, BTC, TheBTCTherapist
Bitcoin forecast from TheBTCTherapist

Popular blogger Crypto Rover is confident that Bitcoin will cost $110,420 in 2025. The majority supported the forecast of positive Bitcoin price action by 2025. However, there are different opinions within the community members.

Many believe that the cryptocurrency will be able to overcome the important psychological barrier of $100,000. Investors have been waiting for its breakthrough since 2021, when BTC recorded a new all-time high near $69,000.

Read more: How to Buy Bitcoin (BTC) and Everything You Need to Know.

Some supported an even more positive forecast, according to which the cryptocurrency can grow to $200,000. However, some believe that investors should not hope for history to repeat itself. In their opinion, contrary to expectations of a new high, BTC risks diving after a slight increase to the levels of $20-30 thousand.

Some crypto community members believe that the maximum height achievable for Bitcoin in the next bull cycle is the previous all-time high

Many crypto industry representatives quickly reminded TheBTCTherapist about regulatory pressure on the digital asset market and other negative factors that could affect Bitcoin’s forecast and prevent BTC prices from rapidly increasing.


VIDEO: This Bitcoin Price Prediction for 2025 is INSANE
Crypto Galaxy

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Name: Jose Woods

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Introduction: My name is Jose Woods, I am a unswerving, expert, welcoming, Gifted, apt, Precious, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.